The American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is a national American grassroots organization dedicated to educating the public and media about Palestine and its rich cultural and historical heritage.
AMP’s goal is to empower grassroots support that eventually will urge Congress to create a more fair and balanced foreign policy in the Middle East. AMP works toward these goals by researching and publishing credible materials, which it distributes for free to politicians, journalists, academics, students, mosques, churches and civic groups, holding lectures and workshops, running national ad campaigns and by creating a Palestine curriculum for high school students, among other activities.
Since our founding in 1994, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has worked tirelessly to provide a Muslim voice on local and national issues and to empower American Muslims. Our Vision: To be a leading advocate for justice and mutual understanding. Our Mission: To enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. CAIR has grown to become the largest, most trusted and most effective civil rights and advocacy organization working for American Muslims.
CAIR attorneys and civil rights staff across the country work to protect the civil liberties of all Americans. We also advocate for justice in American policies, both domestic and foreign, by engaging local, state and national officials on a variety of important policy questions. CAIR has carried out educational campaign to enhance the public’s understanding of Islam and American Muslims. CAIR trains activists and community members on engaging the media, running for elected offices and participating in civic activities. Through our popular Muslim Youth Leadership Programs (MYLP), CAIR prepares future leaders of the American Muslim community.
Established in 1968, the Islamic Circle of North America is a response to the growing need for a supportive Muslim community in North America. ICNA has launched numerous services, including ICNA Sisters’ Wing, ICNA Relief, Why-Islam, Young Muslims, the Message International, and continues to do so to cater to the needs of the American Muslim community. Over 30,000 attend ICNA’s conventions and conferences across America; Neighbor Nets are formed for members of local chapters to meet on a consistent basis.
In the past decade, ICNA has expanded its reach across the US while maintaining an active presence in local communities. Muslim Family Day now attracts nearly 50,000 a year at several theme parks nationwide. The ICNA Council for Social Justice was formed to represent the Muslim voice on matters of social justice. ICNA has worked to establish connections between Islam and the public, collaborating with numerous Muslim organizations to reach this end. ICNA also works closely with many national interfaith organizations for the betterment of society. By focusing on self-development, education, outreach and social services, ICNA has cemented its place as a leading grassroots organization in the American Muslim community.
Established in 2005, the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA) is a national network of masjids, Muslim organizations and individuals committed to addressing the religious, social and economic issues and concerns that especially impact indigenous Muslims living in North America. MANA’s outreach is to all Muslims, but particularly those Muslims and Muslim communities that have been historically underserved.
The primary goals of MANA are (1) to establish the strong presence of viable, healthy and dynamic Muslim communities, neighborhoods and institutions that meet the religious, social, economic and political needs of the Muslims in North America; (2) to call humanity actively and systematically to the life-giving message of Islam with wisdom and beautiful teaching; (3) advocate and work for just and righteous remedies to ills impacting North American society in general and Muslims in particular.
To accomplish its goals MANA has initiated the following projects: SHARE Centers (Services for Human Advancement and Resource Enhancement) and the MANA SHARE Network, Community Reentry Initiative, Healthy Marriage Initiative, Healing and Reconciliation Campaign, Imam and Leadership Development and Masjid Development. SHARE Centers serve the specific economic and social needs of the inner-city communities in which they are located. SHARE Center programs include: food and clothing banks, employment services, GED classes, family and marriage counseling, reentry support and counseling, hosting summer feed sites, community computer labs, and a host of other community services.
Muslim Legal Fund of America is a 501(c)(3) charity that defends civil liberties guaranteed in the U.S. Bill of Rights by funding legal cases involving potential civil liberty encroachments. Muslim activist established MLFA in 2001 in response to egregious federal law enforcement actions after the tragic events of 9/11. These actions include raids on lawful religious and commercial institutions owned by Muslims and unlawful detainment of Muslim individuals.
Muslim Legal Fund of America is the ONLY national tax-exempt nonprofit legal fund dedicated to defending Muslims’ civil rights and civil liberties in American courtrooms.
MUNA is a non-profit, faith-based Dawah and social service national organization. It was founded with the objective of seeking the pleasure of Allah by striving to develop personal, moral and social quality of human life. MUNA was incorporated in the state of New York in 1990. Since then it has extended its activities in more than 22 states. MUNA strives hard in organizing Muslims to get involved in socio-religious and civic life in the nation in order to help build individuals dedicated to serving Allah and the community.
As a Dawah organization MUNA calls upon Muslims to practice Islam in their personal and social life and try to introduce Islam to the non-Muslims. As a social and cultural organization MUNA involves in many social welfare and civic activities affecting people’s lives in America. In addition to building bridges of understanding and cooperation within the diverse community of Muslims in America, MUNA strives to maintain harmonious relationship with various organizations, religious and ethnic communities and neighbors.
Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed (The Mosque Cares) A non-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization established by Imam W. Deen Mohammed, The Mosque Cares is a religious charitable organization. In a 3-year period Imam W. Deen Mohammed led and oversaw the largest mass conversion to Islam in the history of the United States of America. He forged close ties with Muslim communities worldwide and established strong relationships with many of the world’s faiths and their prominent leadership. Our history of Dawah efforts in the United States goes back 80 years to our beginnings in 1933. Our ministry, under the leadership of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, and now his son, W. Deen Mohammed II has been a nationally recognized organization in association with Clara Muhammad schools, which have maintained Islamic curriculum; and numerous Masajid, Islamic centers and institutions.
We promote the self-sustaining method of community based Muslim business entities for the growth and sustaining of our present and future Islamic efforts. The Mosque Cares’ mission is to serve our People, Community, and Humanity and inculcate the high principles and values of the Qur’an and the excellent model of human life, Muhammad The Prophet, (prayers & peace be upon him).