One America

The One America Campaign represents a vital initiative aimed at countering the persistent trend of dividing US citizens into antagonistic subgroups. Often, such efforts propose limiting the rights of certain subgroups based on the pretext of national security concerns. However, the One America Campaign boldly asserts that we can uphold our pluralistic democracy while diligently safeguarding our nation from those who seek to inflict harm. We firmly believe that singling out specific American citizens based solely on their faith will ultimately undermine our collective safety and promote prejudice. Through the One America Campaign, we strive to foster a nation that is both secure and inclusive, recognizing that we can protect our national interests while embracing the diversity that makes us stronger.


Since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the American Muslim community has embarked on a tumultuous social journey. Regrettably, public opinion concerning Islam and Muslims has increasingly tilted towards negativity with each passing survey. Instances of hate crimes targeting Muslims and their places of worship are on the rise nationwide, and the disheartening reality of Islamophobia has become disturbingly prevalent in society. Nevertheless, amidst these challenges, a glimmer of hope emerges. Prominent political and legal figures, esteemed newspaper editors and columnists, and dedicated interfaith leaders have emerged as vocal advocates for the Muslim community. In the words of the late Imam W. D. Muhammad, “this is both the worst and the best time for Muslims in America.” In this climate, a unique opportunity arises for Muslims to assert their own narrative and present it to the American public, fostering understanding and dispelling misconceptions.


American Muslims are acutely aware of the significant challenges confronting our nation and our community. We are resolute in our determination not to permit Islamophobes or un-Islamic extremist groups shape the narrative surrounding American Muslims or dictate our future. Instead, we, as American Muslims, will forge our own path by safeguarding our faith and actively contributing to the security and well-being of America. We firmly believe in charting our own destiny, ensuring that both our religious convictions and the safety of our nation are upheld with unwavering commitment.


Seizing the moment, the US Council of Muslim Organizations announced major educational, outreach, and civic empowerment initiatives to address growing Islamophobia in America and to enhance national harmony through the promotion of freedom and justice.

The One America Campaign encompasses several impactful initiatives aimed at fostering unity and understanding. These include a Million Voters Registration Drive, which kicked off before the 2016 presidential election to encourage active participation in the democratic process. Additionally, the campaign features National Open Mosque Day, an event specifically designed to promote meaningful interactions between American Muslims and individuals from diverse faiths and backgrounds. As part of this national Muslim coalition, the campaign seeks to forge new alliances and strengthen existing partnerships with interfaith organizations, social justice groups, and other minority communities that have encountered similar challenges. Through these initiatives, the One America Campaign strives to cultivate inclusivity, foster dialogue, and promote solidarity among all Americans.

One America

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