USCMO Concludes Its National Muslim Advocacy Week With Great Success

Delegates from 28 states met virtually with some 150 elected officials, staffers – a digital record-breaker

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/29/2021) – The US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) celebrates the conclusion of the 6th annual “National Muslim Congressional Advocacy Week,” during which more than 550 delegates from 28 states met virtually with some 150 elected officials and congressional staffers – a digital record breaker for the American Muslim community.  

Action Alert: Click Here to Help Promote the Policy Demands of the 6th National Muslim Congressional Advocacy Week  

Participants posted photos and commentary about National Muslim Congressional Advocacy Week on social media using the hashtag #MuslimHillDay.  

“USCMO thanks the hundreds of American Muslim community members from across the nation who continue to show up in record numbers to participate in National Muslim Congressional Advocacy Week. Over the past several years USCMO has trained several thousand American Muslim community members on how to be civically engaged and connected them with their state’s congressional delegation. We are building a more inclusive and more welcoming democracy,” said USCMO Secretary-General Oussama Jammal.      

“American Muslims are politically empowered and actively meeting with their members in Congress. This week, the Muslim community’s voice was heard in the U.S. Capitol on a wide range of policy issues related to civil, voting, immigration, and human rights. Speaking up for those who would be silenced, and oppressed, Muslim delegates urged Congress to support Muslims in Palestine and China,” said CAIR Director of Government Affairs Department/USCMO National Muslim Congressional Advocacy Week Steering Committee Chair Robert S. McCaw.  

Muslim state delegations and activists discuss with their congressional representatives pressing issues affecting American Muslims, including the need to:     

  1. Support for the Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act.” (H.R. 2590)
  2. Support for the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (H.R.1155 / S.65)  
  3. Support the COINTELPRO Full Disclosure Act (H.R. 2998), and the freeing of falsely convicted Imam Jamil Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown  
  4. Become an original co-sponsor of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s forthcoming Combatting International Islamophobia Act 
  5. Recapture of diversity visas lost Due to the Muslim, African, and COVID-19 bans by supporting the Keeping Our Promise Act (H.R. 3548).  
  6. Support the Senate the advancement of the House adopted For the People Act, (H.R.1 /S.1); Dream and Promise Act, (H.R. 6); NO BAN Act, (H.R. 1333 / S.1891); and George Floyd Justice in Policing Act (H.R.1280).  

Last year’s National Muslim Congressional Advocacy Week was postponed due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and USCMO prioritizing the safety of the more than 500 delegates who annually travel from 25 states participate in the event.       

Because USCMO’s greatest concern remains to minimize the spread of COVID-19, this year’s National Muslim Congressional Advocacy Week took place virtually, with delegates joining pre-scheduled meetings with members of Congress and their staff via video conferencing. A second in-person advocacy day may be scheduled later this fall if conditions permit.     


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USCMO Concludes Its National Muslim Advocacy Week With Great Success

USCMO Concludes Its National Muslim Advocacy Week With Great Success

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