USCMO Thanks President Obama for Remarks on Islamophobia during SOTU

(WASHINGTON DC 01/13/2016) – The US Council of Muslim Organizations, a coalition of leading national and local Muslim organizations, is heartened by the remarks of President Barack Obama during the State of the Union address Tuesday.

The President introduced his call for broader cooperation and inclusiveness in American society and in Congress by first addressing the rising tide of Islamophobia, most recently influenced by racist rhetoric by political candidates, namely Donald Trump and Ben Carson. Mr. Obama rightly asserted that the terrorist organization currently wreaking havoc throughout the world does not represent Islam. He went further to say the ideological, rhetorical and even physical attacks against American Muslims here at home run counter to every American value we hold so dearly.

On behalf of the Muslim community, the USCMO thanks President Obama for addressing the urgent issue of Islamophobia, which not only impacts Muslims but also bleeds into anti-immigrant bias and a general level of mistrust between many layers in our society.

“Muslims are an integral part of American society and we appreciate that the President took the time to address this current wave of Islamophobia,” said USCMO Secretary General Oussama Jammal.

He added, “We agree with President Obama that a healthy democracy depends upon a certain level of trust among its citizenry. We want to help build that trust by our ‘One America’ campaign that seeks to help Muslims engage in the civic process.”

The USCMO launched the One America campaign in December. It’s major areas include registering one million Muslims to vote; reaching out to members of the community through a National Mosque Open House Day; and strengthening growing interfaith partnerships, among other things.


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USCMO Thanks President Obama for Remarks on Islamophobia during SOTU

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