In the Wake of the Catastrophic Beirut Blast, Our Prayers and Hearts Go Out to the People of Lebanon

And, most surely,

We shall test all of you with something of fear and hunger

and loss of wealth and life and crops.

So give glad tidings to those who are patient –

those who when affliction strikes them, say:

Indeed, to God do we belong,

and, indeed, to Him we are returning.

The Quran, 3:185

(Washington, D.C., 8/5/2020) – The US Council of Muslim Organizations, on behalf of our members and all American Muslims, express our sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of those who perished in the truly horrifying blast at the Port of Beirut. And we offer our heartfelt prayers for the dead, and for all those injured and harmed, and to their near relatives and dear ones, asking God to recompense you all in your calamity and in your grave losses and to grant the hurt quick and complete recovery and perfect replacement with what is better.

We stand with you, people of Lebanon, in this hour of your severe trial. Even now, the Muslims of America are gathering their prayers and full capacity to help you in whatever ways we can.

We look upon each of you as members of our own family, hold you dear to us, and grieve with you in your sorrow.

We invoke the mercy of God, the All-Living, the Self-Subsisting, to rush to you His help. We ask Him to accord you ease upon ease, after your great hardship, and to alleviate all the traces of your suffering and sadness. We ask God to make you strong, to raise your renown, to give you wellbeing that extends for all of life and into the Hereafter, and to give you a light from Him that illuminates for you all darkness, and to set aright all your affairs.

We ask God to bless you, to hold you in His encompassing mercy, and to save you from every remnant of harm. We remain committed, as your brothers and sisters, to upholding you in our hearts, remembering you in our prayers, and aiding you with the whole of the wherewithal God may give us.

May God’s peace and blessings be with you.

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In the Wake of the Catastrophic Beirut Blast, Our Prayers and Hearts Go Out to the People of Lebanon
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In the Wake of the Catastrophic Beirut Blast, Our Prayers and Hearts Go Out to the People of Lebanon
In the Wake of the Catastrophic Beirut Blast, Our Prayers and Hearts Go Out to the People of Lebanon
Washington, D.C.

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In the Wake of the Catastrophic Beirut Blast, Our Prayers and Hearts Go Out to the People of Lebanon
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In the Wake of the Catastrophic Beirut Blast, Our Prayers and Hearts Go Out to the People of Lebanon

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