USCMO meets with President Hassan Rouhani, discusses Syria and Yemen 

USCMO meets at the Islamic Republic of Iran with President Hassan Rouhani as part of their Rohingya campaign.  It is a longstanding practice of the Iranian delegation to the United Nations during its annual meeting of nations to invite the leaders of American Muslim organizations to address its delegation and officials, which this year included Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. USCMO Secretary General Oussama Jammal publicly addressed the Iranian President and his delegation regarding their support for the human rights of the Rohingya among other persecuted Muslims. He endorsed on behalf of the Council upholding the Iran nuclear agreement of 2016 for the sake of world peace by all parties. He also expressed the opposition of American Muslims to Iran’s “unchecked support for Syria’s brutal regime in the face of the explicit injunctions and morality of the Quran and against the clearly articulated aspirations of the overwhelming majority of the Syrian people for freedom, prosperity, and a participative civil life,” characterizing it as an impediment between most Muslims in the world and the Iranian leadership. He also denounced the “insupportable carnage in Yemen,” and all who are participating in Yemen’s ruination. He called upon all Muslim leaders to “rise above the sectarianism that we know God has forbidden us from, and that we also know will lead us only to feckless loss and desolation in this life and no blessing or consolation in the next.”

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USCMO meets with President Hassan Rouhani, discusses Syria and Yemen 
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USCMO meets with President Hassan Rouhani, discusses Syria and Yemen 
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USCMO meets with President Hassan Rouhani, discusses Syria and Yemen 
USCMO meets with President Hassan Rouhani, discusses Syria and Yemen 
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USCMO meets with President Hassan Rouhani, discusses Syria and Yemen 
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USCMO meets with President Hassan Rouhani, discusses Syria and Yemen 

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